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Payment Policy


Fourmi tidak bertanggung jawab atas penerimaan yang tidak terbaca, penerimaan yang tidak lengkap, atau masalah dalam transmisi. Informasi yang Anda berikan saat melakukan pembelian mencakup fakta umum yang kami perlukan untuk menyelesaikan pesanan Anda, misalnya nama, tanggal lahir, alamat penagihan, alamat pengiriman, alamat email, nomor telepon, dan nomor kartu kredit.

Nomor kartu kredit Anda adalah informasi istimewa dan tidak akan dibagikan kepada pihak ketiga kecuali kepada agen pemrosesan pembayaran resmi. Detail kartu kredit Anda tidak akan disimpan tetapi informasi pribadi lainnya akan diamankan di database informasi pelanggan kami untuk referensi di masa mendatang.

Metode Pembayaran

Having said that, in certain jurisdictions, you must inform your site visitors, in case your website tracks personal information through the use of cookies or similar technologies. In these jurisdictions, the local regulation often includes an obligation to be clear about what tracking tools (e.g. cookies, flash cookies, web beacons, etc.,) your website deploys, and what types of personal information these technologies gather. These policies often also tell the website visitors what is the website doing with the information that was collected.


It's important to note that third-party services placing cookies or utilizing other tracking technologies through Wix´s services, may have their own policies regarding how they collect and store information. As these are external services, such practices are not covered by the Wix Privacy Policy.


To learn more about this, check out our article “Cookies and Your Wix Site”.

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